
About us

Design is not restricted to real territorial boundaries: it can bring people to forget their cultural differences and it moves their hearts at the deepest point. Our designers that are coming from different countries prove this with their typical style - original and touchy - being successful all over the world.

Practical as well as decorative, the articles influence every room in which they are placed. These creations give a certain satisfaction for a long time. Value and collect them!

Product of the month

"Flamme" vase

The gold and bright vase wearing stainless steel chainmail plays with colors and styles ambiguously.

LE LABO design

The French enterprise LE LABO design creates decorative objects for the table and home, lamps and furniture made of chainmail.

Due to their excellent expertise in the manufacturing of chainmail and its derivative products, they are able to produce wonderful and original creations of a excellent quality.